Today i suppose to do my assignments. One report, and two presentations for next week. But i just woke up at 11 o'clock (wow!) and got two bad news afterward. Anyway i'm not gonna tell you all the bad news. Yes, i'm not.
I just thought it's so unbelievable. One of my friends here, he's a man. He has been doing LDR for about 6 years, but actually he has been doing his relationship for 8 years. And the last two years, he and his partner have been in an engagement and planned to get married this year. But, in the last 6 months, they started to have problems. I can say it's a big problem. So, in order to fix the problem, he went back to Indonesia during winter holiday. And he just got back to Tokyo again yesterday.
What makes me surprised is, just now he told me that he broke up!
He hasn't told me the whole story, maybe soon. But it really makes me realized. It's hard. I know it's hard from the beginning. I wish that my story won't ended like his.
wow,,,,8 tahun bukanlah waktu yg singkat...
smoga hubngan qt lebih baik.
dan happy ending tentunya,
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